Team Development

Sabine is sensitive and has great intuition. She is able to quickly get to the heart of what motivates us. Sabine helps strengthen our team by being energetic, sensitive and challenging us when necessary...

Niels Janssen


Strategy Development Partners

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Team Development provides the opportunity to reflect on themes, questions or challenges that are important to the team. Each team is a collection of individuals. Understanding each team member's perspective is essential in order to achieve successful cooperation and supported decision-making. Team development links content and process to work on mutual trust and make strategic decisions.


The process starts with an intake interview with the client. If necessary, separate interviews with each member of the team and the leader are conducted. Based on this intake process, the objective for the program is formulated in consultation with the client. Team Development can range from a single-day session to multiple sessions spread over two years.


The team has formulated a common goal in which the team members feel ownership and know their role and contribution. Team members have insight to — and confidence in —themselves, each other and the leader. The team knows what it takes to be successful.